Offensive:Racy: Possible Labels:brass | bulletin board | sidewalk | sky OCR: Declaration by Burckel, Gauleiter of Pfalz, October3, 1933: am repea tedly asked bout our vi ews on the ma tter of the depar tment stores and beha vi ior toward ewi sh shops They quote all kinds To regula tions that may lead to mi sunders tand ings Theref fore wi .sh to make the following clear Even before the accession to power we considered the depar tment tore contemp ti ble es tablis shment that was dri ving re tail shopkee epers out of business This will rema in our view in the 'uture too consider it strange that the ma tter need be men tioned at all The same holds for the handling of the Jewish question We veteran Nazis have no interest in the utterances of this or that high ranking Nazi For us there is only implementa tion of the Party plan to the will the Fiihrer (Genschel 82 about ...